Thursday, July 23, 2015

Favorite Etsy Stickers

I decided to post about my favorite types of stickers to use in my planner. I use all of these pretty much every week.
I love using TV stickers to mark the shows that I'm watching on their day/time. It helps me to remember to actually watch them! 

As you might be able to tell, I love checklists. I have so many different kinds! I usually have a checklist for everyday and I love to put things that I have to do or things that I have to remember to buy on them. 

I'm really enjoying these quarter boxes right now. They're really nice to mark events or different social media things that I have to get done during the day. 

I work retail. So I definitely need something to mark my hours with. 

I love using these to mark events or exciting things. I even use these to mark my work hours or my blog posts. 

Every Auburn girl has to have tons of Auburn stickers, right?

These hydrate stickers help me to remember to drink enough water. 

Clearly I need more of these. I use them to mark the blog post that is going live that day. 

I use cameras to keep track of the instagram posts that I'm posting each day. 

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